
Showing posts from September, 2021

Policy and Religion will never go hand in hand

                Over the last 8 years or so, Politics in India has become very cluttered due to one particular reason i.e. religion. The percentile of people taking an active part in politics has increased substantially at the cost of brainless and brainwashed opinions that seem to make the headlines on a day to day basis. I for one am overjoyed with the fact that so many people talk about our leaders, parties and ideology(most have none), but one must do it without the religious lens.                  Now I understand that religion is very near and dear to most Indians and a way of living for a large majority of people. India's greatness USED TO lie in its great diversity of socio-cultural atmosphere, but now it's become a tool for people to use and for politicians to abuse. Society has become polarised to such an extent that people on one side of the spectrum can only judge the actions of the people on the other side and vice versa, conversations between the two have become f