Indira, Thatcher, Modi and the problem with Democracy


       Uncompromising, Relentless and Authoritarian are words that one would associate with dictators around the world. Hitler, Mussolini, Putin are leaders who are all of the above mentioned and more. Three other names, Indira Gandhi, Magaret Thatcher and Narendra Modi are also all of the above and more. What separates the former from the later is the fact that they changed the constitution and governance into a dictatorship to be able to rule with an iron fist. The later mentioned are leaders who managed to carve out an authoritarian leadership while being part of a democracy. 

       The problem with democracy will always remain about how everyone has a voice and an opinion, no matter how stupid or juvenile someone's opinion is, it must be counted. This invariably disrupts any reforms or changes or ordinances that governments want to bring about. Gullible crowds can always be lobbied by cunning oppositions to further propaganda against every decision made by the government but that doesn't mean they are right. Gandhi with Operation Blue Star, Thatcher with the coal miners and Modi with the farmers are examples of leadership being strong and remaining unflinching. Let me make it very clear, those laws and decisions in itself being right or wrong is very subjective but my point is around leadership qualities and how these authoritarian leaders were able to make decisive calls and stick by them. Thatcher was under immense pressure and even faced a no-confidence motion from her own government, along with the miners personally attacking her car and home. While Gandhi on the other hand was killed by her own bodyguards years after the Golden Temple massacre. As a leader, you live and die by the decisions you make, and Indira Gandhi, unfortunately, lived by the sword and died by the same one.

       Thatcher and Gandhi are much more special in the way that they were willing to dive into a sea of men and be a big fish among them. It is safe to assume that women leadership was not really accepted as a norm before these two wonderful ladies proved their credentials on a global platform. 


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