
Teens, Teachers and Tuitions….Destroying Schools one Brick at a Time

          The concept of extra classes or tuition as it is more commonly referred to, has completed a full circle from developing a students academic competence to completely ruining a child's mental and psychological growth. This blog is as much about criticizing the tuition culture and it is about the role that parents have played in creating this multi billion industry.            During my teens, tuition culture was quiet prominent as well but the role that they played was vastly different from the role that current crop of classes play. Earlier, tuition classes were playing supporting role in helping the student in a particular subject that he/she was known to be weak or lagging behind. Today, the schools have almost become the supporting act and the tuitions have turned into the main cast with most of the students skipping school and college to attend these classes. I don't have too much of a problem with students going to these classes, but the timing should not coincide

Sports Organizations want(NEED) the Politicians but not the politics

                If there is too much traffic, the politician is at fault, If its too hot, the politicians is at fault, If it rains too much, lo and behold the politician is at fault. The above statement is a slight exaggeration of the common man's emotion but its not too far from the truth. A video that has recently surfaced online of the Governor of Kerala pushing the Indian football Captain Sunil Chettri to the side during a presentation ceremony was an unfortunate incident that provoked a discussion around the involvement of politicians in sports.     Source :                     Firstly, the incident was very unfortunate and having played at a very primary level of competitive sports, I can totally understand the reasoning behind people's anger. A contrary video has also surfaced of Ricky Ponting shoving then ICC Vice President Mr. Sharad Pawar off the stag

We are Politicians, we are not in the honour business

                           You’ve probably come across this statement at least once in your life, ‘How are these politicians so rich? Where do they get this kind of money? Is it an individual problem or a systematic failure? Well, let us look at it through a different spectrum, the politician’s point of view.                          Grassroot politics in India usually begins at the gram panchayat level, every village has a gram panchayat consisting of a sarpanch and its members. The sarpanch is the head of the village and he receives a salary from the government which is barely enough to cover a week’s meal. Climbing the political ladder from being a sarpanch to possibly Prime Minister of the country is fundamentally flawed with respect to the financial aspect and essentially forces politicians to be corrupt to survive to perish. This is the gist of how these people survive through government work and welfare schemes. For e.g. A proposed construction of a 500m cement road in a village

Policy and Religion will never go hand in hand

                Over the last 8 years or so, Politics in India has become very cluttered due to one particular reason i.e. religion. The percentile of people taking an active part in politics has increased substantially at the cost of brainless and brainwashed opinions that seem to make the headlines on a day to day basis. I for one am overjoyed with the fact that so many people talk about our leaders, parties and ideology(most have none), but one must do it without the religious lens.                  Now I understand that religion is very near and dear to most Indians and a way of living for a large majority of people. India's greatness USED TO lie in its great diversity of socio-cultural atmosphere, but now it's become a tool for people to use and for politicians to abuse. Society has become polarised to such an extent that people on one side of the spectrum can only judge the actions of the people on the other side and vice versa, conversations between the two have become f

The Indian Olympic Story - You don't owe us anything

         The dust has finally settled on what was an enthraling and relatively successful Olympics for Team India. They managed to better their all-time tally of 6 medals (2 silvers and 4 bronze) in 2012 to 7 medals (1 gold, 2 silver and 4 bronze). Beyond the numbers, it brought together a country of more than 1.3 billion to sit and watch games that most of them had never watched. Every Olympics has unique nature to it where stars are born, and history is created.            I am especially thrilled about the new sports that have been introduced to me during the Olympics i.e. Golf and Fencing. I am sure I'm in the majority among the people who had to Google what was a Birdie and Bogey, and we have Aditi Ashok to thank for it. To be able to stay the course till the last day was incredible. I didn't particularly like Fencing, but the fact Bhavani Devi won her first match was quite pleasing and I hope more youngsters will take a liking to the sport. We've heard about the Hocke

Women's sport (cricket and football) is skillful but not watchable over long periods for a casual fan

 Women's sport has come a long way over the last decade while growing exponentially in terms of viewership and revenue. It has been evidently noticed how well women's sport has expanded with efficient structure and management, what you may forget is that men's sport has also been growing rapidly with technological advancement and globalisation. The Women's FIFA world cup final in 2019 had 1.2 billion viewers which is frankly an insane number, while the Men's World Cup in 2018 had 3.5 billion viewers, meaning every second person on the face of this planet was watching the men's finals. While the gap has reduced over the years, my understanding is that this gap will always remain.          I believe that there are two types of fans; one is the casual fan who watches sports casually just for entertainment and enjoyment, while the other is the analytical fan, who watches all the matches with an eye for skill, technique, tactics and of course entertainment. The main

Against the odds to legalise gambling in India

  6.2 billion dollars is the amount of revenue that the Australian government-generated through the gambling industry in 2018  14.4 billion pounds is the amount of  revenue that the British government generated through the gambling industry in 2018                     Source:                                                                               1502860575.html For all the growth that India has had in the last 50 years in terms of economy, defence, technology etc. we seem to be anchored by some ridiculous and outdated laws in terms of generating revenue through different methods. Betting and Gambling is one such law that needs serious upgrading and the government needs to have a look at legalising it. The argument for too long has been along the lines that it is addictive, possibly against Indian culture and largely difficult to regulate. Let me enlighten you, it is true that gambling is addictive,