
Showing posts from July, 2021

Women's sport (cricket and football) is skillful but not watchable over long periods for a casual fan

 Women's sport has come a long way over the last decade while growing exponentially in terms of viewership and revenue. It has been evidently noticed how well women's sport has expanded with efficient structure and management, what you may forget is that men's sport has also been growing rapidly with technological advancement and globalisation. The Women's FIFA world cup final in 2019 had 1.2 billion viewers which is frankly an insane number, while the Men's World Cup in 2018 had 3.5 billion viewers, meaning every second person on the face of this planet was watching the men's finals. While the gap has reduced over the years, my understanding is that this gap will always remain.          I believe that there are two types of fans; one is the casual fan who watches sports casually just for entertainment and enjoyment, while the other is the analytical fan, who watches all the matches with an eye for skill, technique, tactics and of course entertainment. The main