
Showing posts from June, 2021

Against the odds to legalise gambling in India

  6.2 billion dollars is the amount of revenue that the Australian government-generated through the gambling industry in 2018  14.4 billion pounds is the amount of  revenue that the British government generated through the gambling industry in 2018                     Source:                                                                               1502860575.html For all the growth that India has had in the last 50 years in terms of economy, defence, technology etc. we seem to be anchored by some ridiculous and outdated laws in terms of generating revenue through different methods. Betting and Gambling is one such law that needs serious upgrading and the government needs to have a look at legalising it. The argument for too long has been along the lines that it is addictive, possibly against Indian culture and largely difficult to regulate. Let me enlighten you, it is true that gambling is addictive,