
Showing posts from February, 2021

You are an actor, don't behave like a politician

 It is a well-known entity around the world that celebrities do not choose to become role models, it is just one of the responsibilities that come with the job. Public life is harder then most people understand and actors and actresses are held to high standards of leadership which they did not sign up for. Don't get me wrong, they have a life that most people around the world can only envy and it is a position of privilege to be a celebrity. Having said that, we as commoners tend to forget that they are humans with real emotions and more importantly have personal lives which may or may resonate with their professional lives.             These celebrities are not independents and should not proclaim to be independents. Whether they lean left, right or centre is irrelevant to their professional careers and should have no bearing on how people view them for their jobs, just like anyone else. This dynamic however does change when theses celebrities use their professional clout to infl

My name is opposition and I am not a terrorist

            Governing a country of more than a billion is no easy task, and when you add to it the democratic style of governance, it's a near-impossible mission. Yet, since India's independence from the British in 1947, a grand total of 14 Prime Ministers have had the honour and privilege of leading our country. Some of them have had to face rather difficult circumstances, both internally and externally. Wars with Pakistan and China have led to regular border tensions with the situation rarely being calm. Internally, we've faced riots between communities (most of which are politically motivated) with metropolitans such as Mumbai and Delhi being torn apart. The current situation is no different and as a country, we are being attacked from all corners and to make matters worse the citizens are more polarised than ever.            As our prime minister says "Criticism is the backbone of democracy", I agree, but you need the courage to take on the opposition and thei