
Showing posts from January, 2021

The experiment of foreign coaches

                   Foreign coaches in sport is a topic that divides opinion more often than not. The people for it believe that foreign coaches introduce a different process which takes you out of your comfort zone and allows you to professionalise your performance in an optimum manner. On the other hand, the people for local coaches believe that these coaches understand you and your process extremely well and therefore they can help you go that extra mile through sheer passion and emotion. If I was a gambler and someone asked me to pick one, I'd probably bet each way on both coaches being successful.         Having said that I have noticed that Indian and by extension, sub-continent coaches don't tend to get hired by foreign teams. This is not to say that these teams are not competitive enough, rather a reflection on the belief (or lack of it) in the coaching style. India has produced some world-class cricket and hockey teams in the past, we all know of Dhyan Chand and Sachin